Self Ascent is a resource dedicated to enlightening literature. We are committed to aiding fellow spiritual travelers in finding guidance on their paths through the epochal voices of great saints, sages, shamans, mystics, monks, nuns, yogis, prophets, poets, scientists, and philosophers. We believe in the fundamental tenet espoused by Aldous Huxley in the Perennial Philosophy — that at the heart of all major religions lies a central philosophy reflected worldwide, regardless of time, place, or people. These holy individuals practice the inner, esoteric wisdom of their chosen paths, while the majority of religious adherents engage with the exoteric — the set of dogmas, traditions, and rituals expressed by their religious culture.

From deserts and caves, temples, and monasteries, from small jungle huts and solitary cells, from remote mountains and vast forests, from great halls of power to the lowliest places among us, voices have arisen that resonate with such unearthly power that they echo with eternity. With open minds and hearts ablaze, they have peered beyond the veil of our temporary amnesia and glimpsed the glorious vistas and eternal shores of our True Nature. Great, holy, humble men and women have poured out their lives as offerings for future generations.

A revolution in the hearts of humankind is silently underway, its first cultural tremors only now being felt. With the blossoming of this light, there will be a corresponding maturation of darkness. This is why it is more important now than ever to delve deeply into the wisdom of the great spiritual traditions handed down to us from the myriad of cultural expressions this planet has offered. That through imitation and humility, we might hope to embody some semblance of what they came to teach us.

It is our sincere hope that within this resource center, you will find a signal in the noise, a golden thread of perfect silence, a glimpse of the holy vistas beyond language. We hope that they will bring your inner turmoil to a standstill, and that in that place of perfect interior silence, you might hear the voice of the beloved calling your name, beckoning you home to the very center of your Being. There, may you forever remain, present in the loving light of all creation, perfect, complete, and whole.


Sincerely Us,